Welcome to the world of yoga

Yoga is a art of science that which deals with body & mind.Yoga teach us how to deal with stressful life not to avoid the stressful life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is the form of death?

Namaste...Some peoples may think that why have to discuss about death? It have to be happen in our all human life is it?...ok let me have little positive way to approach the meaning of death.

A great yogi had explained very effectively on this. Death means new formation. The changes take place when the word death appears. When a tree die, it changes to chair or paper, when a chair dies it changes to ashes & it’s also get in the form of vapour. Science says everything in this world is living even an atom.

Our human body is made up of many chemical substances and we take this body from this earth. the all chemical substances’ is together when we live when our breath stop it all get separated but they still alive in different form .when a human die time appears he did not disappear just his form changes to another form.

Let we all enjoy the presents god's grace with you all...SIVA

1 comment:

priyavamada & mohammed place said...

we know about the phyiscal change in the body as far as death but why do we die or lose the ppl we love .. Why does God bring us to this world in first place .. what the sence of all of this ? Why for some death is not rapid and love one have to watch as they are dieing slowly . why do God allow us to go thu this life ???