Welcome to the world of yoga

Yoga is a art of science that which deals with body & mind.Yoga teach us how to deal with stressful life not to avoid the stressful life.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

To get ride of belly and To have a strong abdomen

Note:first start with surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation)at least 3 rounds or 6 rounds.(if you dont know what is surya namaskar please google it...and then do the other asanas starts from Standing postures,sitting,laydown(forward and then supine).Never forget to do the last relaxation posture(Savasana).If you dont know any thing about Bandha(the picture which shows the movement of the abdomen is bandha) just skip it.Because its To danger to practice with out a proper teacher guide.
I recommend that if you know already Yoga let you look it and practice or practice with professional Yoga teachers is good. Enjoy your practice and stay with yoga to get a strong health and peace of mind.
To get ride of Belly and get a stronger abdomen Regular practice of Asana is indeed..A Minimum of one hour workout is indeed. There are several postures which help you to get a stronger abdomen. Each and every postures of asana operates the full systems of the body. So you’re getting benefits a lot in each and every postures. But the main thing is you need to flow each asana with your Breath. It’s indeed to fallow the breath and asana together to get full benefits. And all the asana is good when you hold on minimum 60 seconds. If you’re not able to do that .You can hold for 10 or 20 seconds and have rest and again continue. Nor you can do 10 or 20 seconds today and later increase the time slowly. But in Each and every movement of your posture don’t give to much of stress to your physical nor your breath.
Most of the peoples have the Wrong idea on Yogasana(Asanas).Peoples think that when they get too tired it means they get a good workout. It’s completely wrong way of thought. When ever you finish your yoga session at the end of your class whether your practice in a yoga school nor self. You should feel a Peaceful in your physical and in the mental this kinds of experience is the real.Also there are many postures which give you strong abdomen and reduce the belly.Here i just select some postures and showed you.
Enjoy your prsent..aum

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A true enjoyment on sharing the yoga knowledge with my students.

I love to explore my personal feeling on my teaching in the field of yoga. I came to china on 2006 Feb... still that time to now I am enjoying my teaching .Chinese peoples are very interesting to learn the yoga .I have create more then 200 yoga teachers in china. It was so happy and divinity in each time with each student. . Even though I am the senior yoga master I never thought that I learn a lot. My experience in this yoga field is since my tender age to now. I can say that yoga is a sea yet, I learn a drop of water in a sea. I always used to say to my students that this movement may be you all a trainers but in future you all a yoga instructors’ .in that time never arise the word Ego from your conscious mind nor in subconscious mind. It may disturb your yoga travel.” Be simple, be humble, be honest…it makes you a true yogi…this was my word. Namaste

Monday, November 10, 2008

9 obstacles in yoga

Obstacles which affects our yoga journey
There are 9 obstacles that which always affect our yoga jouney they are as fallows
1. Vyadhi-sickness which disturbs the physical.
In this stage we got disturbed from the Body-àmindàLife…Because of our non planning life we affect our self such us no proper diet, no proper practice, no proper sleep at early and so on…we need to balance this to improve our physical that which help us to not fall in the sickness. all should understand that a healthy body give you the healthy mind and a healthy mind gives you the healthy peaceful life.

2. Styana-Lack of mental disposition for work
A person have the languor no goal …he is fit for nothing. If you go and ask him how is your life? He might question you what is the meaning of life? Such person never improves himself.

3. Samsaya-doubt or indecision
Doubt makes your life meaningless there are 6 kinds of doubt that which affect your life they are
1. Doubt on life
2. Doubt on Guru or masters
3. Doubt on self
4. Doubt on the way(the way of your path that which you walking for living)
5. Doubt on knowledge
6. Doubt on present/future
This all 6 doubts will give you the doubt on happy life

4. Pramada-Indifference or insensibility
In this world there are many peoples in this stage. This is the stage that never knows what is right or wrong. Believing that he alone is wise in this world. I used to say to my students that, a small stone may teach you a lesson. When I say this word a student asked me how can a stone can teach a lesson for us? I said When you walk on a street angry with some one ,you wont be conscious so in that time you may hurt by the stone and after you get hurt you may feel ohhh you small stone hurt me!. Again you will kick it after; again the pain comes to you not to the stone. This is a huge lesson is not? Try to be sensibility in all situations

5. Alasya-Laziness
Because of lazy we all are being worst with physically and mentally that which result in much different diseases and mental disorders. These kinds of habit can be avoided by regular practice of pranayama.

6. Avirati- raising the desire when sensory objects posses the mind
Spending our physical and mental energy for the negative purpose that which makes you be illusory happiness and making the inner world unsteady. According to the yoga material world is outer world and the I, Self or the inner of once is called the inner world. What yoga says? The happiness is with in you not out side.
A Small story to explain it…Once a old women was searching some thing outside of her home. her friend comes on the way and asked her, what your searching she said she missed her needle ,then her friend asked her let me help you to find it let me know exactly which part you make it fall down ,the old women answered that she missed inside the home. Her friend asked her if you miss that inside the home then why you need to find it outside. The old women said that inside her home there is no enough brightness so I come outside to search…We all just like this old women…missing our happy in the inner world and trying to find it in outer world…

7. Bhranti Darsana-False knowledge or illusion
Once a wise man was walking in his home beside. When he is walking he felt that a snake has bitten him so he soughed and say that ohh snake bitten me I feel dizzy some one help me. On hearing this his friend arrived there and asked him what happen he said snake is bitten me now I feel dizzy and cant able to move my leg. When his friend on his torch light they find that its not a snake its just a rope. A illusion have such power you will never knows just like this. so try to get the true knowledge from a good gurus or masters.

8. Alabdha bhumikatva-Failiar to attain continuity of thoughts
Let me give a short example for it…A musician who has heard the great music in his dream but in his waking stage he cant not able to get his music which is get from him dream.

9. Anavasthitattva-instablity in holding on to concentration which has been attained after long practice.
Most of the yoga followers where fall down in this stage. When this stage appears either consciously or subconsciously a man will get angry that he not able to continue his shadana. But a true yogi will get his way, he never say that he need to skip it. A man when he said that he has no time to do. It means he don’t have the ability to plane his won life. This is the true. Not the time…..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Balance mind

A Balance mind
Many of us having the question how to balance the mind? I fall in mind sick, I fall in stress, and I fall in sadness, etc…Peoples used to ask me what is the reason that I had such kinds of feelings?
I always used to say to my followers that humans are affected by 3 points
1. Worry of getting
2. excitement of haven gotten it
3. fear of losing
Peoples now days getting some negative things by the self action with out conscious and say that Oh god it’s too bad why you make me suffering? “For all the action there is equal reaction” Please let you all understand this very well then in your life every things will be peaceful. It’s absolutely true when you understand it deeply you can travel your way of life with peace of mind and healthy way of life.
Another main thing to balance the mind is Try to do every day some chanting any god that which you like. Chanting of mantras have special power don’t ever forget it. And also never argue with the slanders it will make you to disturb your mind much. Try to ignore them as much you can..Slanders are many in this world they feel it’s a kind of enjoyment. So we just try to ignore them and get away from them. Now the world is in that form so we try to Live in yoga way of life for the Balancing mind and peaceful life. Blessing you all...Namaste

Yours in yoga

Monday, October 6, 2008

Questions among the yoga lovers….

Question: I wan to be a vegetarian, but I feel it is expensive. I wan to be in yoga way of life. But I have to work more hours to afford it. How can I balance it?
Answer: Being a vegetarian is not expensive. And the way we having our modern life is makes you to feel in that way. Green veg are not expensive then the meats. if you’re a veg you can save a lot of money per month. Source of proteins like tofu and beans are 30 to 40 percent cheaper then their animal meat based such like beef, chicken and so on…
A simple and basic way of saving the money is control your every day stuffs that which you use in the daily life. Such us TV, electronic items and the cosmetic items…and the stop eating fast foods in outside places. Cooking self make to save and makes a healthy body ….When we look deeper among this things we can save a lot of money…

Eat to live...Dont live to eat

The way of food can keep your mind silence................
The way of food Can change your Life........................
The way of food can control your sense....................
The way of food can make a healthy Life............
What is yogicdiet or food?
The yogic diet is a vegetarian one, consisting of pure, simple, natural foods which are easily digested and promote health. Simple meals aid the digestion and assimilation of foods. Nutritional requirements fall under five categories: protein, carbohydrates, minerals, fats and vitamins. One should have certain knowledge of dietetics in order to balance the diet. Eating foods first-hand from nature, grown in fertile soil will help ensure a better supply of these nutritional needs. Processing, refining and overcooking destroy much food value.

three Gunas: Sattva (the quality of love, light and life), Raja (the quality of activity and passion, lacking stability) and Tamas (the quality of darkness and inertia, dragging us into ignorance and attachment)
Sattvic food promotes clarity and calmness of mind and is favourable for spiritual growth. It is "sweet, fresh and agreeable" and includes most fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables, whole grains, honey, pure water and milk (with the reservation that commercially produced milk may not nowadays be so sattvic...). Given the amount of pesticides and chemical fertilisers used on commercial crops, only organic products still qualify as Sattvic, and tinned or frozen food certainly don't.
Rajasic food feeds the body, but promotes activity and therefore induces restlessness of mind. It disturbs the equilibrium of the mind and is generally to be avoided by yoga practionners. Rajasic foods include most spicy foods, stimulants like coffee and tea, eggs, garlic, onion, meat, fish and chocolate, as well as most processed food. Eating too fast or with a disturbed mind is also considered rajasic. Rajasic food should be avoided by those whose aim is peace of mind, but will benefit people with an active lifestyle. A little rajasic food can be sattvic, for example, hot spices can help digestion, and therefore help create peace of mind!
Tamasic food (to be avoided) induces heaviness of the body and dullness of the mind, and ultimately benefits neither. It includes alcohol, as well as food that is stale or overripe. Overeating is also tamasic. The traditional advice is to fill the stomach half with food, one quarter with water, leaving the last quarter empty.

Action=Reaction...Cooking is a chemistry process

The nature of food can change. Cooking is the most obvious way to change the nature of food. Grains become sattvic only after cooking. Honey becomes tamasic (poisonous) with cooking. The nature of a food also change by being in combination with other foods and spices, or if it is stored for periods of time. Generally grains should be aged a bit (they become more sattvic) but of course, fruits shouldn't (they rot and become tamasic).
Eat what your body need..Dont eat what your toung need...This is the simple way of healthy Life..siva

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A peaceful evening with sun set

During my trip at a beautiful lake at Nanjing..I did a prayer at sun set ,for the world peace ...Let all Be happy with peaceful of Life..God bless all..aum

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Obesity by food and mind

What is Obesity?

It may be defined as excess weight or deposition of excess fats on body, which leads to various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, lowered pulmonary functions, lowers life expectancy.
Medical words, it may be defined as an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cell size (Hypertrophic) or an increase in fat cell number (Hyperplastic). It can be of 2 types, first is Abdominal obesity and second is Gluteal obesity. Generally 20 % excess weight is considered as health risk.

Obesity reasons:
  1. Physical inactivity (lack of proper exercise)
  2. Eating Habits –Eating in between mealso Preference to sweets, refined food, fats, preserved foodo Composition & periodicity of meals
  3. Imbalance in emotional and mental activities
  4. Endocrine glands problems
  5. Familial tendency
  6. Digestion problem

Useful food tips for obesity:

  1. The lunch and dinner timings should be fixed
  2. The time difference 2 meals should be 4 hours
  3. Low fat meal, with fiber rich vegetables and fruits should be taken.
  4. Reduce fats, excess calories, sweets, milk, butter, cheese etc in meals
  5. Have the meal when you feel hungry.If you feel, not hungry skip the meal and eat at the next meal.
  6. Avoid the garbage food such as oil stuff,chips etc..

Regular habit tips:

  1. Do not sleep for more than 6 to 7 hours
  2. Try to stop addictions such as smoking, drinking alcohol or any other drugs.

Useful Daily routine Asanas for obesity:

  1. sun salutation or surya namaskar(5-6 rounds)
  2. Utthita trikonasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  3. Parivrtta trikonasana(Beginners 10- 15sec..later20-25sec)
  4. Utthita parsvakonasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  5. Virabhadrasana 1 & 2(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  6. padangusthasana or padahastasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  7. Utkatasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  8. yogamudra(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  9. uththitha padmasana or tolasana (Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  10. Lolasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  11. Janu sirasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  12. Ardha Navasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  13. salabhasana and Makarasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  14. Dhanurasana and parsva dhanurasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
  15. Uththana Pathasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)

Note: All the asanas is better to do under proper Guidance and be aware of your movement during practice. Every day practice is indeed making your yoga routine just like brushing your teeth in the every day morning. When it became regular, if you miss a day practice you will feel you miss something in your life.

Enjoy the life movement with yoga and get the peace of mind with healthy body.Aum shiva

yours in yoga


meeting a chinese movie star in yoga party

Yoga party

Daily prayer in yoga life

Namaste...Om shiva
To reach the ultimate truth of life we need to pray every day in the morning and the evening in the fallowing thoughts of mind.
  1. I am the conscience in the heart of all creatures
  2. I am their beginning, their being, their end;
  3. I am the mind of the senses,
  4. I am the radiant sun among lights;
  5. I am the song in sacred lore;
  6. I am the king of deities;
  7. I am the priest of great seers;Of words,
  8. I am the eternal OM,the prayer of sacrifices
  9. I am the measure of what endures
  10. I am the chief of divine sages,leader of celestial musicians.
  11. I am the recluse philosopher among saints.
  12. I am the thunderbolt among weaponsamong cattle, the Kamadhenu
  13. I am the procreative god of love
  14. I am the endless cosmic serpent,the lord of all sea creatures;
  15. I am the chief of the ancestral fathers.
  16. I am gracious Siva among howling storms.Of restraints, I am death,Of measures, I am time.
  17. I am the purifying wind.
  18. I am the cleansing GangaOf sciences, I am the science of the self;
  19. I am the dispute of orators.
  20. I am victory and resolve,the lucidity of lucid men.
  21. I am the brilliance of fiery heroes.
  22. I am the morality of ambitious men;
  23. I am the silence of the mystery
  24. I am the seed of all creatures
  25. I am the death destroyer of all. -- Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Useful tips on yoga

yoga is fallowed by many peoples but they where doing with out awareness of the body .Let me give some important tips for the yoga lovers.

Three Essential Guidelines of How to Practice Yoga:
Yoga is not just a series of exercises, poses or movements. yoga is a type of body meditation. It is meditation in motion.

1. Do Yoga Exercises With Full Awareness:
Try to be as aware as possible of every posture and movement you are making during your practice. Check throughout your yoga practice, as to where your mind is, and if it has wandered away, gently bring it back and focus again on the poses and the breathing. This is the number one requirement of doing yoga, regardless of whether you are just a beginner yogi or a yoga master.Its normal that the human mind fly away when trying to control it just like when you push the ball in side the water ,it just wan to flow up in the same way our human mind.Regular practice help us to get it.

2. Never Over Strain When Practicing Yoga:
As the requirement above, this guideline also applies to both beginner yoga practitioners as well as advanced yogis. Yoga is a journey, it is be enjoyed and the sights and sounds taken in, it is not a competition.Every movement of your body during your practice dont over strain be aware.

3. Yoga & Breathing Go Hand In Hand:
Don’t forget to breathe! There are 2 aspects of breathing which every beginner yogi should be cognizant of.
First, yoga poses and exercises, generally have some breathing pattern associated with them. This breath component of the yoga posture should not be ignored. The breathing plays a very important role in yoga and in order to get the most out of your yoga practice, employ the correct breathing along with the movement.
Second, pranayama, or the science of expanding and controlling prana (chi/life-force) is a key aspect of yoga and should be an integral part of your yoga practice. So, in addition to developing your physical yoga practice, be sure to also develop your expertise in pranayama. As a beginner, make sure you start off gently, as pranayama is a very powerful science and make steady progress over time.

nowhere+now here=yoga

where ever I go ,I enjoy each and every movement of my trip with asana, pranayama and meditation.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yoga Teacher's Training With My Hardworking Chinese Students

I have been in the field of yoga since I was in the tender age of two years old. I shared yogic experiences with different kinds of students around the world while I was studying and when I eventually become a teacher of yoga. I have never seen such interesting and hard working people. A 50 year old guy challenges himself in every aspect of yoga especially advanced yogic practices. My students’ interest in yoga amazes me. “Guru Mantra” is usually introduces to my students at the start of their teacher training course and later on proceeds to other kinds of mantra. They are usually trained in the traditional essence of yoga. Every day practice of asanas, pranayama, and meditation and bi-weekly lessons on kriya and some bhanda mainly compose the yoga class I teach. My Chinese students take their classes seriously and I wish them to grow in the field of yoga with Divine essence…. AUM.