What is Obesity?
It may be defined as excess weight or deposition of excess fats on body, which leads to various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, lowered pulmonary functions, lowers life expectancy.
Medical words, it may be defined as an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cell size (Hypertrophic) or an increase in fat cell number (Hyperplastic). It can be of 2 types, first is Abdominal obesity and second is Gluteal obesity. Generally 20 % excess weight is considered as health risk.
Obesity reasons:
- Physical inactivity (lack of proper exercise)
- Eating Habits –Eating in between mealso Preference to sweets, refined food, fats, preserved foodo Composition & periodicity of meals
- Imbalance in emotional and mental activities
- Endocrine glands problems
- Familial tendency
- Digestion problem
Useful food tips for obesity:
- The lunch and dinner timings should be fixed
- The time difference 2 meals should be 4 hours
- Low fat meal, with fiber rich vegetables and fruits should be taken.
- Reduce fats, excess calories, sweets, milk, butter, cheese etc in meals
- Have the meal when you feel hungry.If you feel, not hungry skip the meal and eat at the next meal.
- Avoid the garbage food such as oil stuff,chips etc..
Regular habit tips:
- Do not sleep for more than 6 to 7 hours
- Try to stop addictions such as smoking, drinking alcohol or any other drugs.
Useful Daily routine Asanas for obesity:
- sun salutation or surya namaskar(5-6 rounds)
- Utthita trikonasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Parivrtta trikonasana(Beginners 10- 15sec..later20-25sec)
- Utthita parsvakonasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Virabhadrasana 1 & 2(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- padangusthasana or padahastasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Utkatasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- yogamudra(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- uththitha padmasana or tolasana (Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Lolasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Janu sirasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Ardha Navasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- salabhasana and Makarasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Dhanurasana and parsva dhanurasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
- Uththana Pathasana(Beginners 10-15sec..later20-25sec)
Note: All the asanas is better to do under proper Guidance and be aware of your movement during practice. Every day practice is indeed making your yoga routine just like brushing your teeth in the every day morning. When it became regular, if you miss a day practice you will feel you miss something in your life.
Enjoy the life movement with yoga and get the peace of mind with healthy body.Aum shiva
yours in yoga
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