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Yoga is a art of science that which deals with body & mind.Yoga teach us how to deal with stressful life not to avoid the stressful life.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daily prayer in yoga life

Namaste...Om shiva
To reach the ultimate truth of life we need to pray every day in the morning and the evening in the fallowing thoughts of mind.
  1. I am the conscience in the heart of all creatures
  2. I am their beginning, their being, their end;
  3. I am the mind of the senses,
  4. I am the radiant sun among lights;
  5. I am the song in sacred lore;
  6. I am the king of deities;
  7. I am the priest of great seers;Of words,
  8. I am the eternal OM,the prayer of sacrifices
  9. I am the measure of what endures
  10. I am the chief of divine sages,leader of celestial musicians.
  11. I am the recluse philosopher among saints.
  12. I am the thunderbolt among weaponsamong cattle, the Kamadhenu
  13. I am the procreative god of love
  14. I am the endless cosmic serpent,the lord of all sea creatures;
  15. I am the chief of the ancestral fathers.
  16. I am gracious Siva among howling storms.Of restraints, I am death,Of measures, I am time.
  17. I am the purifying wind.
  18. I am the cleansing GangaOf sciences, I am the science of the self;
  19. I am the dispute of orators.
  20. I am victory and resolve,the lucidity of lucid men.
  21. I am the brilliance of fiery heroes.
  22. I am the morality of ambitious men;
  23. I am the silence of the mystery
  24. I am the seed of all creatures
  25. I am the death destroyer of all. -- Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

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