Welcome to the world of yoga

Yoga is a art of science that which deals with body & mind.Yoga teach us how to deal with stressful life not to avoid the stressful life.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

a simple methods for pranayama and meditation

What is meditation?
The word meditation means the stage of empty mind.” Meditation is nothing. Nothing is meditation”. It’s very easy to give the techniques of meditation but the practice is challenging. We all know that our human mind just like a drunken monkey which never stays in one place .Seating in one place our mind can make more then 1000 thoughts in a fraction of seconds. Some peoples can’t even sleep at night almost 95% of the timing’s we spent on dreams. Then where we get the energy to face the stressful life?
Pranayama(breathing exercise) and meditation is a great boon to enter the peaceful life in this stressful world. To get deeper meditation pranayama is indeed. When you master at pranayama it’s easy to control your mind. If you don’t have much knowledge about pranayama you can select different techniques of meditation, so don’t worry about that. But according to the pantanjali the father of yoga, pranyama and then meditation which explain in the eight limbs or stages of ashtanga yoga. Let me give you few techniques of pranayama and meditation.

1. Chest breathe---In this breath concentrate your mind deeply on your chest part and have a deep inhale, during your inhalation expand your chest and slowly exhale, during your exhalation relax your chest. When you do this you may feel abdomen movement or shoulder movement. That’s normal when u do at first time. When you having this breath don’t push your abdomen just keep relax but when during your inhalations you may feel that the abdomen is sucking towards up. If you feel it’s hard to do this. Lie down and try. Do this for 15 times slowly. Deeply inhale and slowly exhale. This is normal breathing style.

2. Meditation---Human mind just like a Ball, when you push the ball inside the water its nature is just it will come towards up. Same way when you try to control your mind, it wan to go around. At first stage of meditation its advice to concentrate some soft music that which you like or repeating some mantra like OM, Om nama shivaya, Om Jesus. So on...or you can simple concentrate your breath. This is the first stage to get enter into the meditation. When you begin to start doing those meditation styles at first your mind may fly around just leave him where ever it go and it will back soon…

“All shastras speak but vaguely, they do not teach better than your won eyes”….It mean’s keep on practice what ever you got as a knowledge in your daily life…Just reading alone wont give you the benefits. Be good do good.. Hariom tatsat..

1 comment:

priyavamada & mohammed place said...

Namaste siva ... when you say to take breaths are they thru mouth or nose ... and do I count the breath or do they naturally flow ?
also for beginners ( Key word ) are there any good postures that would ease the tention ...Also when is it good to meditate ? Early morning before sunraise and early evening before sunset?

Myself usally before sunraise and when sunset ... The music I use is mainly of chinese bamboo or native american flute and running rivers and rain falling softly to ground... Some of the meditation cds have soft drum beats to them ... focusing on the beat helps me keep rythym to myself being but that me ..I try not to hear any animals not even birds .. Keep on with the great job you are doing... Paz ..