Welcome to the world of yoga

Yoga is a art of science that which deals with body & mind.Yoga teach us how to deal with stressful life not to avoid the stressful life.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tagged by odde ji

I have been tagged by odette ji so let me say about me
1. My full name is Sivanandam.R
2. I Love yoga more then anything. Because the essence of yoga was give at my tender age from my Guru and father.
3. I started yoga at my tender age.
4. My hobby is reading books related with yoga, Love to know more philosophical stuffs related with yoga, chating with my yoga friends.
5. I fear for my soul mate when she got angry.. HAHAHA
6. I hate one thing in this world; it’s the people who don’t give respect to there parents.
7. Iam pure vegetarian.
8. My aim in my life is to spread this pure Yogic Art around this world and teach them how to be in balanced mind with healthy way of life through the Yoga practice.
9. I love the peoples who show me the wrong things that which done by me.
10. I don't give more importance when the peoples praised me but I respect each human feeling in this world.
11. I love to give instruction to my students to be positive always.
12. I love to take my class with funny way but serious in practice.
13. When I got angry I love to think alot before I speak out, because I got alot of experience by giving my mouth...
14. When I am in sad I love to be alone to increase my positive vibrations.
15. When ever I wan talk with my father he will exactly call me and shows his mind power..
16. I miss something from my parents, but soon or later I will get it
17. I remember when I am 8 years old my father use his leg push on my back because I am not able to stretch myself. In that time I was very angry with my father but now I feel he did good..
18.I remember my father said before I came china, he said Siva your a yoga teacher your body is the investment so be healthy by having a good diet and regular yoga practice. It’s deep in each and every cells of my body.
19. Each and every improvement of my yoga life is due to my parents blessing and gods grace and my soul mate Love on me. I believe very strongly.
20. Secrets of success is. Self confidence, hard work, perseverance i always remember this.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Asanas for the diabetes

Diabetes and Yoga
Because of this fast modern world, food and the way of our life we are buying so many diseases .Diabetes is playing a major role in most of the life especially in westerners. It’s now slowly move towards Asians too.

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a condition when the pancreas in the human body fails to produce insulin. Incidentally, insulin is the hormone that converts the sugar in the food into energy. Insufficient secretion of insulin by pancreas results in excess glucose level in the bloodstream, resulting in diabetes. The blood glucose is required to be used up to provide energy and fuel to the body, in order to do its work. If the level of glucose is high, it eventually affects the body parts. Yoga plays a great role curing the diabetes if you fallow the Yoga postures in daily way.
Note: If you ready to fallow the yoga postures which I shown you above, you have to knew that you not suffered from any back pain or neck pain or menstruation if you have any one please be patient and practice under a guidance of a good yoga teachers.

*Surya namaskar(sun salutation have not shown above)have to do 3 round
*Each and every posture should hold on minimum 20 seconds if you feel it’s harder relax and do it again
*Never strain yourself
*there are some postures which may not able to do; there are many alternate postures for that.
*for all postures you have to do relax pose. Eg:if you do the shoulder stand & plough pose you have to do fish pose or wheel pose.
*There are many postures which help but i just mentiond few.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Service for the humanity

Swamy sivananda yogasana research center is founded by our guruji Yogiraj Ramalingam in the year 1985 in India. Our ashram was honored all over the world by many organizations for the service in the field of yoga. I have uploaded some of the news paper link that which pressed out about our ashram.
